
About Us


Who Are We

Throughout my teenage and early adult years, I suffered from sensitive skin problems. In America, about 65-70 percent of women have sensitive skin. Most cleansing products only exasperated the health of my skin. Even after going to dermatologists, I still had no satisfying or complete solution to my skin care issues. In fact, one dermatologist gave me radiation treatments that I found out years later could cause cancer. I didn’t understand why he would place a lead apron on my body and quickly exit the room, while he gave me these treatments on my face. It just didn’t make sense to cover my body and leave my face exposed. After two treatments, I decided it was best to discontinue the treatments. It is only by the grace of God, that I was protected from the side effects of those treatments.

I also came to realize that soap was leaving a film on my face that made my skin look shiny and unnatural. Years later, after using a cleanser that had some natural ingredients and eliminating soda from my diet, my skin looked much better. I then realized that I needed a skin- care regimen that was natural, gentle, and non-toxic, which would both cleanse and beautify my skin. This is why I created the Charis Beauty Collection LLC company. Over three years, I researched, tested, and formulated my complete skincare system for people like me with sensitive skin needs. Our products are designed with all natural ingredients without parabens, or other harmful chemicals. We are committed to creating skincare products that give peace of mind, are not harmful to our bodies, and are beneficial for the skin.  As a result, our skincare products are plant-based, natural, non-toxic, and laboratory tested. Our skincare products are excellent for vegetarians and vegans.

 Our Passion

We take pride in providing skin care, health care and cosmetics for both men and women. Charis introduces you to a new concept in skin care, designed to keep your skin clean and healthy. THE NATURAL WAY! Take the Charis skincare challenge to a whole new world of skin care. Our skin care system is made to accommodate all skin types: dry, oily, combination or sensitive.

Our Mission

When we decided to establish our skincare company, we chose the word Charis. This would be our Brand. Charis in Greek means grace. We wanted to create skincare products that would be natural to the skin and would also clean and beautify the skin, without doing harm. This is our mission. We are committed to creating skincare products that give peace of mind, that we are not harming our bodies, and are gracious and gratifying. As a result, our skincare products are plant-based with natural preservatives, and have no artificial fragrances, or phthalates.

We pledge to our customers that our natural skin care products will enhance a healthier and more beautiful you. 

If you're not satisfied, there is a 30-day money back policy. Contact us here: